Three feet away from subject, no zoom, low incandescent lighting, no flash.
F30 looks good.

Same as previous but with flash.

Same as previous, but 3X zoom and no flash.

Same as previous, but with flash.

One foot away, macro mode, no zoom, incandescent lighting, no flash. The F30
struts its stuff here.

Same as previous, but with flash.

Five feet away, fluorescent lighting, no zoom, no flash.

Same as previous, but with flash. Actually, the F30 shot is the same as
the previous since it determined that it did not need the flash.

Same as previous but now zoomed in 3X (a little more for the Panasonic) with
no flash.

Same as previous, but with flash.

One foot away (macro), no zoom, no flash, incandescent light. The F30 is
grainier, but also sharper than the F601.

Same as previous, but with flash.

12 feet away, 3X zoom, no flash, low incandescent light.
The F30's focus assist lamp was an important factor here.

Same as previous, but with flash. Cat had his eyes closed for F30 shot.
Again, the F30's focus assist lamp was critical.

This shows off the Panasonic's powerful 10X zoom. The other two cameras only
have 3X. This is eight feet away, full zoom, no flash.

Ten feet away, low room light, 3X zoom, no flash. Note how the background
in the F30 shot is much brighter with the higher ISO.

Same as previous, but with flash.

About 20 yards away, cloudy daylight, 3X zoom except for the bottom right
shot which is 10X zoom on the Panasonic and again shows off the advantage of
the high zoom when there is plenty of light.

1.5 feet (not macro, though), low incandescent lighting, no zoom, no flash.
The F30 is in natural light mode where it cranks up to 3200 ISO. If you just suppress
the flash but stay in automatic mode, the F30 goes to 1600 ISO.

F30 in auto with suppressed flash at ISO 1600 (left) and in natural light mode
at ISO 3200 (right).