"RUN" or "Autorun" or "1-Disk Autorun" or "Program on Disk" emulation
If an emulation does not work as the default type of emulation, try clicking on "RUN"
or "Program on Disk" as the emulation. This boots a virtual TRS-DOS 1.3
system disk with the listed programs on the disk and autoruns the first or main program.
The emulation tries to auto-detect the type of program, so if it is BASIC, it will
automatically launch it into BASIC (or BASICG if it is Graphics BASIC), for example.
"Debug" or "2-Disk" or "2-Disk Debug"
Because sometimes all of the programs don't fit onto a system disk or the autodetection
is not done correctly, there is also "Debug" or "2-Disk Debug," which boots
a 2-disk system with a TRSDOS 1.3 system disk in Drive 0 and all of the programs
on a disk in Drive 1. For the two-disk emulation, nothing is auto-run. You
have to manually run the program (or programs) by entering commands at the DOS prompt.
The system disk has my custom splash screen and DOS prompt, but is otherwise
standard TRSDOS 1.3. It also has some extra utilities (try "CAT 1A" to get an
alphabetical listing of the files on the disk in Drive 1).
There are also options to boot from NewDos-80, LDOS, and DosPlus, though
be warned those DOS's are not compatible with the disk image created for Drive 1
if that disk image is generated from a collection of files and not directly from a .DSK
or .DMK file.
Incompatible .DSK/.DMK files
Many of the .DSK or .DMK images are not compatible with TRS-DOS 1.3. These
disk files may not work with the emulator, even in debug mode. You might try
them in 2-disk debug mode and then booting from a different DOS.
If none of the emulation types work, remember that the disk-based (v1.6) emulator
emulates a Model III-based disk system (with hi-res graphics). So several
disk images and/or programs may not work with it.
Also, be patient. Some of the BASIC programs take a while to load from the virtual disk,
particularly on a slow platform. I've added a clock speed boost option to help speed
up emulation as desired, but if you go above 8 MHz, key presses will repeat too much
to be useful due to the way the TRS-80 detects key presses.
If the emulator starts with the audio icon in a flashing state, this means
your system or browser needs you to tap on the audio icon to enable audio. It's like the "tap
to unmute" that you see on a lot of web pages now. That is--the sound API is detected
but not permitted unless the user does something interactive.
See Peter Phillip's Emulator Page for more help.