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    1. BW1D
    2. BZIP2
    3. CRAFTY
    4. K2PDFOPT (v1.30)
    5. LAME
    6. MESHER
    7. MODEL3D
    8. RESIZER
    10. X264
    11. AVERAGE



Willus.com's 2011 Win32/64 C Compiler Benchmarks:

7. Other notes

Lower is Better
On all of these results, the build times, exe sizes, run times of the executables (both in seconds and normalized to the best time) are listed, so in every case, a lower value is a better value.

Build Times
In the benchmark results, I list the total build times. These are the total times it took to compile the code, make the libraries, and link the final executable using the given compiler and options on my home PC. For profiled compiles, the build time is the combined time of the two compiling/linking passes (not including the run time of the executable after the first pass). Also, the number of lines of code listed is the total lines of source code files (.c, .h). This is not the actual number of lines compiled, since the header files must be compiled again and again for each different source module, but it still gives you a sense of how large the code is. Not all of the compiled code is used by each executable, either--in many cases, an entire library had to be compiled into the code which was never actually used at run time.

Results Verification
The results (output files) from each benchmark were verified to be correct and essentially identical (to within good accuracy for floating point cases) across all of the compilers.

Normalized Scores
A normalized run time is given for each set of results. This is computed by dividing all of the run times by the best run time.

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Click on any column header in any of the results tables to sort the rows based on the data in that column.

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Sunday, 08-Feb-2015 18:58:10 MST