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Customizing K2PDFOPT:
Adjusting the output:
Processing Options:
Landscape mode (use -ls from the command line or select option (l) from
the interactive settings menu) can be used to increase the text magnification at
the expense of having more pages.
There is a
blog page
by on k2pdfopt landscape mode with some details on possible options.
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/landscape/sig-alternate.png) Original file (p. 3) |
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/landscape/sig-alternatep3.png) Default conversion of p. 3
| |
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/landscape/sig-alternate_p3ls.png) Conversion of p. 3 using -ls.
(Turning kindle on its side to read.)
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/landscape/screenshot_landscape.png) Window GUI checkbox for landscape output |