A number of languages (Hebrew, Chinese) are written from right to left. With the
-r option in k2pdfopt (v1.23 and up), you can tell it to scan the page that way, both by
columns and when breaking lines. See the example below.
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/right2left/right2left.png) Original File
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/right2left/right2left_k2opt.png) Default Conversion with -odpi 300 |
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/right2left/right2left_k2opt_r2l.png) Using -r (and -odpi 300).
![](/k2pdfopt/examples/right2left/screenshot_r2l.png) Windows GUI Right-2-Left Checkbox |
In the text menu versions of k2pdfopt (OSX and Linux), you can also select (r) Right-to-left page scanning from the k2pdfopt interactive settings menu.