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Customizing K2PDFOPT:
Adjusting the output:
Processing Options:
Instructions for running the command-line are below. If you are running Ubuntu
desktop or another Linux desktop using Gnome Nautilus, you can see my
Ubuntu help page.
Note that you can also run the MS Windows version of k2pdfopt in Wine to take
advantage of the MS-Windows GUI in Linux.
For setting an environment variable
in Linux, see my Linux environment variable help page.
The linux downloads are executables that should be moved to your path and
modified to be executable. Then you can run them from a terminal shell.
Open a terminal shell and then:
| cd ~/Downloads/ | | (or wherever you downloaded k2pdfopt) |
| sudo mv k2pdfopt /usr/bin | | (can be anywhere in your path) |
| sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/k2pdfopt | | (make it executable) |
| cd /my/pdf/folder | | (or wherever you have your PDF file) |
| k2pdfopt myfile.pdf | | (to convert myfile.pdf) |
If you want to always run with certain customized options, you can create a script. Type
the following sequence:
| cat > k2pdfopt_custom | | (create script called k2pdfopt_custom) |
| /usr/bin/k2pdfopt -j 0 -odpi 250 $* | | (This is the first/only line of the script. Put whatever options you want--leave the $* at the end, though.) |
| (Press <Enter> and <Ctrl-D>) | | |
| sudo mv k2pdfopt_custom /usr/bin | | (move to exe path) |
| sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/k2pdfopt_custom | | (make the script executable) |
Now you can use the command k2pdfopt_custom to run with the custom arguments.
(Thanks to Saša Šnjarića, aka ssnjara, for the first part.)